I have read the Bible more than any other book and there is still so much of it I don't understand. Some passages I read over and over again and I am still confused on what it means. I find Revelation and many of the prophetic books to be beyond my understanding. Even if I can't understand all of the passages in these books I do know that they are all pointing to Jesus. I read passages like Isaiah 53 which I think is one of the most beautiful pictures of what Christ did on the cross. Or I read passages like Revelation 21 about the second coming of Christ which makes me excited every time I read it. In Luke 24:27 it says, "And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself." One day I believe Christ will explain to us what was said in all the scriptures concerning himself. Every part we don't understand, every part we disagree on, every part that we think we understand and He will show how it is all about Him. Until that day we hold firmly to the gospel and ask God as we read the word to open our eyes so we can understand.